On the Fork App

The Importance of Community

#community #foodblog #healthyeatingmadesimple #mindset #onthefork #whatsonyourfork Feb 01, 2023

Through my experiences in life (good and bad), I have always leaned on different communities for support. Sometimes it’s family and sometimes it’s a group of like-minded entrepreneurs. Sometimes it’s my very best girlfriends (my goodness do NOT ask them about me…they know too much) 🙂

And as I go through life and get older, I realize my communities are getting smaller, but they are also very tight. I rely on them for support, encouragement, and to be my cheerleaders. I think it’s also important for you to find your communities. Maybe it’s your church group or your SAHM group. Maybe it’s your cycling team or your neighbors. 

Communities serve different purposes and I think diversifying is super beneficial. I wouldn’t lean on my entrepreneurial friends for personal advice. I wouldn’t sing my personal achievements to my neighbors. I am blessed to have a few different communities where I feel loved, supported, and uplifted.

Do you have some communities where you feel loved and supported? When you tell that community something, are they all ears? Do they rally to help you in need? Motivate you when you're discouraged? Show up for the scary doctor’s appointment? My hope is that you are reading this and you are (in your own head) listing all your different communities.

If you don’t have one or a few, I suggest cultivating that. You would be surprised how much further you can go when you have support. And not just for the bad times. Does your team cheer you on when something great happens to you (and not to them)? Does your squad yell from the rooftops when you achieve a goal? They should. And if they don’t…find a new squad.

I have been working on something for months now. It was something I wanted to bring to you in 2023. 

Last year, my baby was a cookbook. I launched that cookbook in October of 2022. If you haven’t checked it out, PLEASE DO! It’s called What’s on Your Fork?! And it’s on Amazon. 

Anyway, I got distracted talking about my 2022 baby. I’m super proud of that cookbook and I always want to talk about it. It’s kind of like when you have a new baby. You just can’t help yourself. 

Soooo, back to 2023.

I knew I wanted to grow my community. I wanted to have a place where my clients, followers, and supporters could have one place they could go to get ALLLLL things “Shelley”. A place where you feel supported and encouraged. I wanted a place where like-minded people could “hang out” and feel inspired to keep going on their healthy eating journey.

Our relationship with food is like a climbing endless mountains. We go up (the struggle) and then we come down (the ease). That’s exactly how I see our relationship with food. We do good and then we falter. We eat healthy and then we go on vacation. We lose weight and then we gain it back. 

Well, I am always telling you, yes YOU, that your relationship with food is just that…it’s a relationship. One that needs to be nurtured and respected DAILY.  But sometimes, we get discouraged. We get busy. We lose site of our “goal” due to lack of support.

I am so excited about my new “baby." I feel like it will leave you so inspired, encouraged, and supported! 

I am finally ready to announce that I am going live with my online membership! 

I have created an online space for all things healthy eating!

AND, the best part…it’s all INSIDE MY NEW APP!

I created an online app for MY COMMUNITY!

Inside the membership, you will get:

  • Recipes (downloadable)
  • How-to videos for every recipe
  • LIVE cooking events
  • Cook-along classes (virtual)
  • Guest speakers (gardeners, yoga instructors, life coaches, and more)
  • Online courses about: Meal prep, Starting from scratch
  • Ongoing product lists of healthy foods at the store
  • Ongoing gadgets list to help speed up your prep time

There’s more, but that is where we are starting. The app is LIVE now and you can sign up by going to www.onthefork.co

On The Fork is an online community where everyone has the same goal in mind. To eat and cook healthier that leaves you feeling good and also feel supported. 

If you have questions, please feel free to email me [email protected]  I’d LOVE nothing more than for you to make 2023 the year you really do eat healthier. Your body will thank you!

And guess what? Your community is waiting for you inside so let’s do this!


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